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Covid-19 Support

2020 has been a difficult year for many of us. As we adjust to a new way of living and struggle to manage anxiety levels around our health, careers and finances, the future is uncertain for all. The normality and routine of every day life that we took for granted has now changed dramatically and for some, disappeared completely. Many of us are juggling full-time work from home alongside the demands of schooling children. Some of us may have been furloughed or worse, lost our livelihoods. These conflicting priorities can be stressful for all involved and it can take time to re-adjust and adapt to this new way of life. It's not going to be perfect, so it's important we are kind to ourselves, trying not to compare our efforts to the picture perfect worlds often portrayed on social media. 

To support the community in these troubling times, I am offering 1 x free 60 minute coaching session over zoom when you book a set of 3 sessions. Although we face immediate difficulties in the here and now, there are positives to be found - including the opportunity to take stock of what's really important to us. How might you use this time wisely to make changes in your life? How might you reflect more deeply and endeavour to understand yourself a bit better? What career would you choose if you really could do anything?


If you're interested in finding out more about free sessions, please email is subject to availability and will be allocated on a priority basis.

If you are suffering from anxiety, depression or other mental health conditions please seek support from a local counsellor or mental health practitioner. You will also find some useful information on the Mind website.

Happy Children


Be your own biggest project

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